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 Current Share Rates

Shares Features (minimum to earn interest) Rate Annual Percentage Yield (APY**)
Savings Minimum $100 % %
Checking Minimum $2500 % %
IRAs No Minimum Balance/ Certificate Rates Available % %
Club Accounts No Minimum Balance % %

Share Certificates
Share Certificates Terms Min. Balance $500 Rate Annual Percentage Yield (APY**)
90 Days % %
6 Months % %
12 Months % %
18 Months % %
24 Months % %
36 Months % %
48 Months % %
60 Months % %

IRA Certificates
IRA Certificates Min. Balance $500 Rate Annual Percentage Yield (APY**)
12 Months % %

Money Markets Balance
Money Markets Balance Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield (APY**)
$1000-$9,999.99 % %
$10,000-$49,999.99 % %
$50,000-$99,999.99 % %
$100,000-$249.999.99 % %
$250,000 and over % %

Rates Valid as of 3/20/25. Annual Percentage Yield Is Subject To Change Without Notice. Penalties May Be Imposed For Early Withdrawal.
Minimum Balances Are Required For Dividend Earnings. Regular Term Certificates Require $500.00 Minimum. IRA's Require $500.00 Minimum.