At GKCU we know that things can happen.
Accidents happen. At GKCU we know that things can happen outside of our control. That’s why we’re here to help you plan and be prepared just in case. These services are our way of helping you get a little peace of mind when it comes to your financial future.
Credit Sense: for credit report updates, planning and tips. Enroll in our online app.
GAP Vehicle Protection & Extended Warranties
GKCU LifeGuard Debt Insurance Programs
Overdraft Protection & Courtesy Pay (subject to approval)
Safe Deposit Boxes (available in Georgetown & Pawleys Island offices only)
GKCU Owner’s Manual (Truth in Savings)
GKCU Visa®/Debit Cards
PIN Activation for Debit Cards: (843) 546-8494; select Option 2 (must be calling from the phone no. on file with GKCU)
PIN Activation for Credit Cards: (855) 445-1214
Help with Debit & Credit Cards Call:
Visa® Credit Cards (843) 546-8494; select option 3 (then for disputes, option 5)
Visa® Debit Cards (843) 546-8494; select option 2
Visa® Debit Card Disputes: (843) 546-8494; select option 4